Can I change the lettering on tags in NodeBB after the fact?
S shared this topic
Interesting. I used camelCase when I typed in that very tag in the topic and before creating it, the tag showed an uppercase C in the right place. Then when the topic is created, nodeBB seems to change all letters to minuscule. Is this on purpose? That explains why all our tags are like this.
A user on our forum asked us to use camelCase on our tags. I've noticed that most tags by now are minuscule. Can I change the lettering on tags in NodeBB after the fact? this is the issue you'll want to subscribe to:
I think NodeBB tags are always lowercased, which is something we could reconsider...
@julian Glad to see the issue's been recognized. I know the blind community on Mastodon's been making noise about camel casing hashtags for a long time now.