"How to survive the Broligigarchy"
Jeg er begyndt at samle på Newsletters og podcasts, der giver dybere indsigter og analyse af hvad der foregår. Her er en, jeg bestemt vil følge videre - Carole Cadwalladr. Det var hende, der afslørede Facebook -Cambridge Analytica skandalen i 2017. Og det er hende, der introducerede udtrykket Broligarkiet i juli sidste år. Idag har hun en liste på 20 punkter om hvordan man kan overleve Broligarkiet fra en artikel hun skrev i The Guardian i November, og en podcast om samme emne.
8 Protect your private life. The broligarchy doesn’t want you to have one. Read Shoshana Zuboff’s The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: they need to know exactly who you are to sell you more shit. We’re now beyond that. Surveillance Authoritarianism is next. Watch The Lives of Others, the beautifully told film about surveillance in 80s east Berlin. Act as if you are now living in East Germany and Meta/Facebook/Instagram/WhatsApp is the Stasi. It is.
11 Think of your personal data as nude selfies. A veteran technology journalist told me this in 2017 and it’s never left me. My experience of “discovery” – handing over 40,000 emails, messages, documents to the legal team of the Brexit donor I’d investigated – left me paralysed and terrified. Think what a hostile legal team would make of your message history. This can and will happen.
14 Pay in cash. Ask yourself what an international drug trafficker would do, and do that. They’re not going to the dead drop by Uber or putting 20kg of crack cocaine on a credit card. In the broligarchy, every data point is a weapon. Download Signal, the encrypted messaging app. Turn on disappearing messages.
18 Plan. Silicon Valley doesn’t think in four-year election cycles. Elon Musk isn’t worrying about the midterms. He’s thinking about flying a SpaceX rocket to Mars and raping and pillaging its rare earth minerals before anyone else can get there. We need a 30-year road map out of this.https://broligarchy.substack.com/p/how-to-survive-the-broligarchy-d8b
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