@general-discussion Is there a manual for regular users of NodeBB?
@general-discussion Is there a manual for regular users of NodeBB?
@general-discussion Is there a manual for regular users of NodeBB?
@general-discussion I'm thinking specifically about how to post a topic on a NodeBB forum from another instance (of NodeBB) or even as I'm doing here from Mastodon (and is there a way to create a topic without it inserting the AT in the title?)
I'm struggling as well with figuring all this out as well. I found we can enable search (which I did a few mins ago) and can find remote posts that way. I am learning by poking around and see what things do. I also found some of the things I found by searching is already out of date which makes things confusing. For example, where you control who can use the search functionality is not where the documentation[^doc] I found says it is.
[^doc]: the "documentation" may or may not have been a random blog post.
@general-discussion I'm thinking specifically about how to post a topic on a NodeBB forum from another instance (of NodeBB) or even as I'm doing here from Mastodon (and is there a way to create a topic without it inserting the AT in the title?)
Hi @malte@radikal.social! We actually have an issue open for that:
Basically we should make it more readily apparent that a category can be followed and posted to.
For Mastodon you have to mention the category. Mastodon conflates addressing and notifications.
Other software could potentially address the category instead of mentioning.
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