Happening in Copenhagen right now!
We are many!
Cut The Ties with Genocide protest happening right now in Copenhagen!
#CutTheTiesWithGenocide #dkPol #SaveGaza #Palæstina #Palestine #MaskOfMaersk
Mærsk headquarters in Copenhagen is blocked!
Mærsk profits from Gaza Genocide - stop arms trade now!
#CutTheTiesWithGenocide #MaskOfMaersk #gazasolidarity #SaveGaza #dkPol #Palæstina
Mærsk headquarters in Copenhagen is blocked!
Mærsk profits from Gaza Genocide - stop arms trade now!
#CutTheTiesWithGenocide #MaskOfMaersk #gazasolidarity #SaveGaza #dkPol #Palæstina
The rumor is the Police is preparing tear gas to disband the blockade.
Tear gas has been seen distributed in to police pockets.
The blockade is still holding.
#CutTheTiesWithGenocide #MaskOfMaersk #SaveGaza #Maersk #PalestineSolidarity
The rumor is the Police is preparing tear gas to disband the blockade.
Tear gas has been seen distributed in to police pockets.
The blockade is still holding.
#CutTheTiesWithGenocide #MaskOfMaersk #SaveGaza #Maersk #PalestineSolidarity
The dogs are out. Cops prepping for big push.
Blockade still holding.
#CutTheTiesWithGenocide #MaskOfMaersk #SaveGaza #Maersk #PalestineSolidarity
The dogs are out. Cops prepping for big push.
Blockade still holding.
#CutTheTiesWithGenocide #MaskOfMaersk #SaveGaza #Maersk #PalestineSolidarity
DR artikel:
"Demonstranter er her til morgen troppet op ved Mærsks hovedkvarter i København.
Her kræver de, at den danske rederigigant stopper for al transport af militært udstyr til Israel.
#DkPol #CutTheTiesWithGenocide #MaskOfMaersk #SaveGaza #Maersk #PalestineSolidarity
DR artikel:
"Demonstranter er her til morgen troppet op ved Mærsks hovedkvarter i København.
Her kræver de, at den danske rederigigant stopper for al transport af militært udstyr til Israel.
#DkPol #CutTheTiesWithGenocide #MaskOfMaersk #SaveGaza #Maersk #PalestineSolidarity
Our Instagram accounts are beeing blocked. Make sure to spread the word of the live update is still going on here. Share the link to our user https://radikal.social/@CRAC to your friends and boost here in the fedivers
The blockade is still on!
T tadoh@radikal.social shared this topic
Our Instagram accounts are beeing blocked. Make sure to spread the word of the live update is still going on here. Share the link to our user https://radikal.social/@CRAC to your friends and boost here in the fedivers
The blockade is still on!
800 people of conscience are currently blocking the HQ of the mega-corporation and shipping company Mærsk. Cops are present in heavy numbers but were unprepared for the overwhelming masses of protesters - the blockade stands strong!
#CutTheTiesWithGenocide #MaskOfMaersk #SaveGaza #Maersk #PalestineSolidarity #dkpol
800 people of conscience are currently blocking the HQ of the mega-corporation and shipping company Mærsk. Cops are present in heavy numbers but were unprepared for the overwhelming masses of protesters - the blockade stands strong!
#CutTheTiesWithGenocide #MaskOfMaersk #SaveGaza #Maersk #PalestineSolidarity #dkpol
Actionists demand that Mærsk #CutTiesWithGenocide and stops transporting military equipment and weapon parts to the genocidal regime of ‘israel’. Mærsk must terminate any and all investments and contracts supporting war and genocide.
Actionists demand that Mærsk #CutTiesWithGenocide and stops transporting military equipment and weapon parts to the genocidal regime of ‘israel’. Mærsk must terminate any and all investments and contracts supporting war and genocide.
Mærsk has sent more than 2100 shipments of weapons & weapon parts to ‘israel’ in just the past year, as documented by the Palestinian Youth Movement and Danwatch, which means that the company has direct responsibility in the occupation and murders of Palestinians.
Free Palestine! Cut ties with genocide! Shut down the occupation!
#CutTheTiesWithGenocide #MaskOfMaersk #SaveGaza #Maersk #PalestineSolidarity
Mærsk has sent more than 2100 shipments of weapons & weapon parts to ‘israel’ in just the past year, as documented by the Palestinian Youth Movement and Danwatch, which means that the company has direct responsibility in the occupation and murders of Palestinians.
Free Palestine! Cut ties with genocide! Shut down the occupation!
#CutTheTiesWithGenocide #MaskOfMaersk #SaveGaza #Maersk #PalestineSolidarity
Actionists have blocked and occupied the headquarters of Maersk this morning, demanding an end of Maerk’s complicity in the genocide in Gaza and in the occupation of Palestine by the genocidal regime of ‘israel’.
Update 11.31. The blockade is still holding.
#CutTheTiesWithGenocide #MaskOfMaersk #SaveGaza #Maersk #PalestineSolidarity #dkPol
S snue@radikal.social shared this topic
Actionists have blocked and occupied the headquarters of Maersk this morning, demanding an end of Maerk’s complicity in the genocide in Gaza and in the occupation of Palestine by the genocidal regime of ‘israel’.
Update 11.31. The blockade is still holding.
#CutTheTiesWithGenocide #MaskOfMaersk #SaveGaza #Maersk #PalestineSolidarity #dkPol
The blockade is getting evicted by the police using clubs and gas.
Danish DR article about the eviction: https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/seneste/politiet-fjerner-aktivister-ved-maersks-hovedkvarter-med-fysisk-magt-og-gas
More info soon .
The blockade is getting evicted by the police using clubs and gas.
Danish DR article about the eviction: https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/seneste/politiet-fjerner-aktivister-ved-maersks-hovedkvarter-med-fysisk-magt-og-gas
More info soon .
Press links in Danish about the Blockade of Maersk HQ - stop arming genocide!
Ekstrabladet live opdateringer: https://ekstrabladet.dk/nyheder/samfund/article10539536.ece
Tv2: https://nyheder.tv2.dk/samfund/2025-02-24-politiet-rydder-demonstranter-ved-maersks-hovedkontor
Do you know of more? Outside of Denmark?
The blockade is getting evicted by the police using clubs and gas.
Danish DR article about the eviction: https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/seneste/politiet-fjerner-aktivister-ved-maersks-hovedkvarter-med-fysisk-magt-og-gas
More info soon .
@CRAC Måske vi alle skulle klage til DR over den her dækning. De hævder her at Mærsk ikke leverer våben eller ammunition til Israel men hvis man kigger på rapporterne fra PYM kan man jo se at de leverer delene til blandt andet fartøjer, bomber og patroner. At de ikke er samlede før de dukker op er jo en fuldstændig meningsløs teknikalitet og en kynisk sleight of hand teknik. Uansvarlig dækning af DR.
S sigmundur@radikal.social shared this topic
M malte@radikal.social shared this topic
Press links in Danish about the Blockade of Maersk HQ - stop arming genocide!
Ekstrabladet live opdateringer: https://ekstrabladet.dk/nyheder/samfund/article10539536.ece
Tv2: https://nyheder.tv2.dk/samfund/2025-02-24-politiet-rydder-demonstranter-ved-maersks-hovedkontor
Do you know of more? Outside of Denmark?
@CRAC Arbejderen is covering the action https://arbejderen.dk/indland/aktivister-blokerede-maersk-vi-kraever-at-de-stopper-deres-involvering-i-israels-folkemord/
@CRAC Arbejderen is covering the action https://arbejderen.dk/indland/aktivister-blokerede-maersk-vi-kraever-at-de-stopper-deres-involvering-i-israels-folkemord/
@CRAC CPH Post has an article (behind paywall) https://cphpost.dk/2025-02-24/news/round-up/protest-at-maersk-headquarters-leads-to-22-arrests/