Danske forskere, der pt er aktive i fediverset.
Thank you for all the wonderful follow prompts, Sune!
My pleasure. Some of them tend to speak a lot of Danish. But you have seen that with me too.
My pleasure. Some of them tend to speak a lot of Danish. But you have seen that with me too.
Some days it feels like half my timeline is in Finnish.
Some days it feels like half my timeline is in Finnish.
It really should be for all of us, come to think of it.
Cold War Historian, PhD.
She/herProfile pic: white woman with glasses.
Banner pic: Gary Larson comic. Man in science lab clothes is assembling a missile by hammering a nail into its shell. Behind him is another man with a smirk and a paper bag full of air, ready to pop the bag and make a huge bang.Bio:
Climate scientist at #DMI.
Coordinator of PolarPortal (lots of up-to-date Arctic data) and ROPEWALK (huge Danish logbook digitization project together with @rigsarkivet).
#ClimateChange in the Arctic, in particular #Greenland and in Africa, in particular #Tanzania.
Modelling subsea #permafrost.
Conveying science to the public: #IKFF #IKlimaforskernesFodspor #BestilEnForsker
with dual citizenship
and (occasionally) tooting in three languages.
En lille tråd med danske forskere, der pt er aktive i fediverset. Jeg siger ikke så meget, sætter bare gode kolleger på én for én, så man kan finde dem og de måske hinanden.
Kom gerne med forslag.
@SuneAuken jeg tillader mig at føje mig selv til listen
Kaare Mikkelsen:
Associate professor in biomedical engineering at Aarhus University, specializing in machine learning and mobile brain monitoring. -
@SuneAuken jeg tillader mig at føje mig selv til listen
Kaare Mikkelsen:
Associate professor in biomedical engineering at Aarhus University, specializing in machine learning and mobile brain monitoring.Det kan du slet ikke. Men jeg kan. Så det gør jeg.
Climate scientist at #DMI.
Coordinator of PolarPortal (lots of up-to-date Arctic data) and ROPEWALK (huge Danish logbook digitization project together with @rigsarkivet).
#ClimateChange in the Arctic, in particular #Greenland and in Africa, in particular #Tanzania.
Modelling subsea #permafrost.
Conveying science to the public: #IKFF #IKlimaforskernesFodspor #BestilEnForsker
with dual citizenship
and (occasionally) tooting in three languages.
Associate professor in biomedical engineering at Aarhus University, specializing in machine learning and mobile brain monitoring.
An insolent elitist derogatory fearless context-free professor conjugates a well-typed glass of higher-order prilimubary students. Living in and in-between two marmaid cities.
affiliation: IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Searchable by tootfinder
Head of Studies, Deputy Head of Department at Computer Science, Aalborg University
Associate Professor, PhD. -
Head of Studies, Deputy Head of Department at Computer Science, Aalborg University
Associate Professor, PhD.Right you are. I'll add him.
Associate professor in biomedical engineering at Aarhus University, specializing in machine learning and mobile brain monitoring.
Head of Studies, Deputy Head of Department at Computer Science, Aalborg University
Associate Professor, PhD. -
Right you are. I'll add him.
Associate Professor at Aalborg University - Sustainable HCI, Wearable Computing & Prototyping -
Associate Professor at Aalborg University - Sustainable HCI, Wearable Computing & Prototyping@UlrikNyman @AndrzejWasowski @loechti
Thanks. He wasn't on my radar. Will add.
@UlrikNyman @AndrzejWasowski @loechti
Thanks. He wasn't on my radar. Will add.
Expert on Participatory Design og Cocreation. Assistant Professor @ Computer Science, Aalborg University. Almost too chill. Check https://nbhansen.github.io/ I might update it soon
Head of Studies, Deputy Head of Department at Computer Science, Aalborg University
Associate Professor, PhD.@SuneAuken Det er da en god idé sådan at forbinde os lidt bedre her på Mastodon
Head of Studies, Deputy Head of Department at Computer Science, Aalborg University
Associate Professor, PhD.Bio:
Associate Professor at Aalborg University - Sustainable HCI, Wearable Computing & Prototyping
@SuneAuken Det er da en god idé sådan at forbinde os lidt bedre her på Mastodon
Det er sådan en lidt tilfældig - hvem kender hvem? - slags indsats.
Men absolut bedre end intet.
Associate Professor at Aalborg University - Sustainable HCI, Wearable Computing & Prototyping
Expert on Participatory Design og Cocreation. Assistant Professor @ Computer Science, Aalborg University. Almost too chill. Check https://nbhansen.github.io/ I might update it soon
Expert on Participatory Design og Cocreation. Assistant Professor @ Computer Science, Aalborg University. Almost too chill. Check https://nbhansen.github.io/ I might update it soon
Associate prof in computer science at ITU Copenhagen
Obviously a cat lady
Accidental academic, failed and got lucky a lot, see www.veronikach.com
I did "AI" (machine learning, pattern recognition) before the hype and often share things about its adverse effects. I have two cats and post cat pictures often.
Associate prof in computer science at ITU Copenhagen
Obviously a cat lady
Accidental academic, failed and got lucky a lot, see www.veronikach.com
I did "AI" (machine learning, pattern recognition) before the hype and often share things about its adverse effects. I have two cats and post cat pictures often.
@AndrzejWasowski @DrVeronikaCH
Cat people are my people. I shall add her with pleasure.
Expert on Participatory Design og Cocreation. Assistant Professor @ Computer Science, Aalborg University. Almost too chill. Check https://nbhansen.github.io/ I might update it soon
Associate prof in computer science at ITU Copenhagen
Obviously a cat lady
Accidental academic, failed and got lucky a lot, see www.veronikach.com
I did "AI" (machine learning, pattern recognition) before the hype and often share things about its adverse effects. I have two cats and post cat pictures often.