I use dance as a medium for listening better. For me, it is a technology of porosity, contemplation and enchantment. Sometimes, this quality of movement is observed and experienced in unexpected places: in a protest, in a warm embrace, in the darkness of a nightclub, in the magic of singing together or when a fermentation crock bubbles like a jacuzzi in the kitchen.
Super thrilled to take part to
@massiasprout art residency in spring time at dear
@massiaofficinale in Estonia. I will spend time with my research project 'Spontaneous fermentation: Collaborating with wild yeasts and revealing Massia's terroir'.
Basically doing some food choreography.
Looking forward to meet other participants and share quality time together.
#wildfermentation #residency #artresidency #fermentation #spontaneousfermentation #massia #SPROUTresidency #dance #danceforplants #choreography #food #foodchoreography #yeast #wildyeast #terroir