Danske forskere, der pt er aktive i fediverset.
Associate Professor at Aalborg University - Sustainable HCI, Wearable Computing & Prototyping@UlrikNyman @AndrzejWasowski @loechti
Thanks. He wasn't on my radar. Will add.
@UlrikNyman @AndrzejWasowski @loechti
Thanks. He wasn't on my radar. Will add.
Expert on Participatory Design og Cocreation. Assistant Professor @ Computer Science, Aalborg University. Almost too chill. Check https://nbhansen.github.io/ I might update it soon
Head of Studies, Deputy Head of Department at Computer Science, Aalborg University
Associate Professor, PhD.@SuneAuken Det er da en god idé sådan at forbinde os lidt bedre her på Mastodon
Head of Studies, Deputy Head of Department at Computer Science, Aalborg University
Associate Professor, PhD.Bio:
Associate Professor at Aalborg University - Sustainable HCI, Wearable Computing & Prototyping
@SuneAuken Det er da en god idé sådan at forbinde os lidt bedre her på Mastodon
Det er sådan en lidt tilfældig - hvem kender hvem? - slags indsats.
Men absolut bedre end intet.
Associate Professor at Aalborg University - Sustainable HCI, Wearable Computing & Prototyping
Expert on Participatory Design og Cocreation. Assistant Professor @ Computer Science, Aalborg University. Almost too chill. Check https://nbhansen.github.io/ I might update it soon
Expert on Participatory Design og Cocreation. Assistant Professor @ Computer Science, Aalborg University. Almost too chill. Check https://nbhansen.github.io/ I might update it soon
Associate prof in computer science at ITU Copenhagen
Obviously a cat lady
Accidental academic, failed and got lucky a lot, see www.veronikach.com
I did "AI" (machine learning, pattern recognition) before the hype and often share things about its adverse effects. I have two cats and post cat pictures often.
Associate prof in computer science at ITU Copenhagen
Obviously a cat lady
Accidental academic, failed and got lucky a lot, see www.veronikach.com
I did "AI" (machine learning, pattern recognition) before the hype and often share things about its adverse effects. I have two cats and post cat pictures often.
@AndrzejWasowski @DrVeronikaCH
Cat people are my people. I shall add her with pleasure.
Expert on Participatory Design og Cocreation. Assistant Professor @ Computer Science, Aalborg University. Almost too chill. Check https://nbhansen.github.io/ I might update it soon
Associate prof in computer science at ITU Copenhagen
Obviously a cat lady
Accidental academic, failed and got lucky a lot, see www.veronikach.com
I did "AI" (machine learning, pattern recognition) before the hype and often share things about its adverse effects. I have two cats and post cat pictures often.
Associate prof in computer science at ITU Copenhagen
Obviously a cat lady
Accidental academic, failed and got lucky a lot, see www.veronikach.com
I did "AI" (machine learning, pattern recognition) before the hype and often share things about its adverse effects. I have two cats and post cat pictures often.
Associate Prof at Roskilde University
. Director of the Digital Media Lab here. Research on Publics, Media, and Technology, inspired by STS and ANT.
@AndrzejWasowski @DrVeronikaCH
Cat people are my people. I shall add her with pleasure.
@SuneAuken @AndrzejWasowski thank you for sharing! Lots of cool new followers
@SuneAuken @AndrzejWasowski thank you for sharing! Lots of cool new followers
@DrVeronikaCH @AndrzejWasowski
Agreed. Nothing like intelligence and empathy to light up one's entourage.